1. Evidence-based nursing: clarifying the concepts for nurses in practice.(includes abstract); Scott K; McSherry R; Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2009 Apr; 18 (8): 1085-95
2. Evaluating nursing documentation -- research designs and methods: systematic review.(includes abstract); Saranto K; Kinnunen U; Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009 Mar; 65 (3): 464-76
3. Evidence-based nursing. The SCIP core measures: A dizzying array of issues.Booth J; Nursing Management, 2009 Mar; 40 (3): 10, 12, 14
4. Developing clinical research projects: novice to expert.Siegel JH; Korniewicz DM; Perioperative Nursing Clinics, 2009 Mar; 4 (1): 23-9
5. The latest evidence to guide obesity prevention, policy, and clinical practice with overweight children and adolescents.Melnyk BM; Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 2009 1st Quarter; 6 (1): 44-8
6. Pain assessment and management in surgical nursing: a literature review.(includes abstract); Bell L; Duffy A; British Journal of Nursing (BJN), 2009 Feb 12; 18 (3): 153-6 (journal article - pictorial, research, systematic review) ISSN: 0966-0461 PMID: 19223798 CINAHL AN: 2010196749
7. PUTTING EVIDENCE INTO PRACTICE: evidence-based interventions to prevent and manage anorexia.(includes abstract); Adams LA; Shepard N; Caruso RA; Norling MJ; Belansky H; Cunningham RS; Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2009 Feb; 13 (1): 95-102 (journal article - research, systematic review, tables/charts) ISSN: 1092-1095 PMID: 19193554 CINAHL AN: 2010190247
8. Systematic review of the effectiveness of primary care nursing.(includes abstract); Keleher H; Parker R; Abdulwadud O; Francis K; International Journal of Nursing Practice, 2009 Feb; 15 (1): 16-24 (journal article - research, systematic review, tables/charts) ISSN: 1322-7114 PMID: 19187165 CINAHL AN: 2010171910
9. Review summaries: evidence for nursing practice.Stern C; Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009 Feb; 65 (2): 279-84 (journal article - abstract, tables/charts) ISSN: 0309-2402 CINAHL AN: 2010177689
10. How evidence-based is venous leg ulcer care? A survey in community settings.(includes abstract); Van Hecke A; Grypdonck M; Beele H; De Bacquer D; Defloor T; Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009 Feb; 65 (2): 337-47 (journal article - research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0309-2402 PMID: 19016923 CINAHL AN: 20101776
11. Nursing practice, knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice at an academic medical center.(includes abstract); Brown CE; Wickline MA; Ecoff L; Glaser D; Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2009 Feb; 65 (2): 371-81 (journal article - research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0309-2402 PMID: 19040688 CINAHL AN: 2010177698
12. Organizational readiness for evidence-based practice.(includes abstract); Gale BV; Schaffer MA; Journal of Nursing Administration, 2009 Feb; 39 (2): 91-7 (journal article - research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0002-0443 PMID: 19190426 CINAHL AN: 2010194939
13. Pediatric perspectives. Pediatric evidence-based practice: using the best available evidence to improve pediatric outcomes.Jones SKB; Pate MFD; AACN Advanced Critical Care, 2009 Jan; 20 (1): 19-25 (journal article - tables/charts) ISSN: 1559-7768 PMID: 19174633 CINAHL AN: 2010190119
14. Perceived effects of specialty nurse certification: a review of the literature.(includes abstract); Wade CH; AORN Journal, 2009 Jan; 89 (1): 183-8, 190-2 (journal article - research, systematic review, tables/charts) ISSN: 0001-2092 PMID: 19121422 CINAHL AN: 2010153499
15. Promoting evidence-based practice through a traveling journal club.(includes abstract); Campbell-Fleming J; Catania K; Courtney L; Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 2009 Jan-Feb; 23 (1): 16-20 (journal article) ISSN: 0887-6274 PMID: 19098510 CINAHL AN: 2010147816
16. Graduated compression stocking and intermittent pneumatic compression device length selection.(includes abstract); Hilleren-Listerud AE; Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 2009 Jan-Feb; 23 (1): 21-4 (journal article - review) ISSN: 0887-6274 PMID: 19098511 CINAHL AN: 2010147817