Congratulations to Deidra Bonner, MSN, RN and Beth Winokur, PhD, RN, CEN, on their newly published article on keratoconus. SJO employees have access to the full article through Burlew Medical Library. Contact library staff for more details.
The eyes have it: A review of keratoconus, the nurse practitioner perspective.Bonner, D. & Winokur, E.J.
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners
2017; 13(8) 532-7
Keratoconus, a chronic, progressive ocular disease, is characterized by thinning and protrusion of the cornea. Etiology is not wholly understood; however, associations with heredity and environmental factors have been established. Keratoconic patients present with irregular astigmatism, diminishing visual acuity, and a continuous need to have prescriptive changes to spectacles and contact lenses. Keratoconus is a principal indicator for corneal transplantation. It affects both sexes and all races, beginning in adolescence. Nurse practitioners are uniquely positioned to interrupt the preventable contributors to keratoconus through assessment, prompt referral, and treatment of the physiologic and environmental factors linked to development and advancement.