Survivorship Education for Quality Cancer Care
News Release for Participants of SEQCC
Disseminating Survivorship Education to Cancer Settings
Interdisciplinary teams of physicians, nurses, social workers, and other health professionals such as psychologists, radiation technologists, chaplains, and administrators are involved in the multitude of treatment options for cancer patients during the course of their illness. These professionals however are inadequately prepared to meet the follow up needs of cancer survivors.
I recently attended a comprehensive three-day course for interdisciplinary teams from cancer settings on survivorship care. The City of Hope (COH) Comprehensive Cancer Ceneter received a 5-year grant from the National Cancer Institute to conduct this course. The project is led by Marcia Grant, RN, DNSc, FAAN, principal investigator, Betty Ferrell, RN, PhD, FAAN, and Smita Bhatia, MD co-investigators, and Denise Economu, RN, MN, CNS, project director.
I was one of over 2-person teams from 53 institutions competitively selected from cancer settings across the United States to attend this course. The prinicipal goal of the course is to provide interdisciplinary teams with information on survivorship care issues and resources to implement goals aimed at improving survivorship care in their cancer institutions.
The course was conducted by a distinguised faculty of researchers, educators, authors, and leaders in the field of survivorship care. Topic areas targeted the recommendations from the 2006 Institute of Medicine report, "From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor-Lost in Transition." State of the Science lectures addressed quality of life decisions and identified areas of need for survivorship care as well as issues related to insurance coverage, developing survivorhsip clinics and quality care issues. Additional questions or information about future courses can be directed to