Efforts led by Dana Rutledge, RN, PhD, Nursing Research Facilitator and the Nursing Research Council at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California are reaping rewards. Three recent articles published by nursing staff at St. Joseph Hospital are :
1. Holist Nurs Pract. 2008 Nov-Dec;22(6):324-35.
Uncovering and recognizing nurse caring from clinical narratives.Norman V, Rutledge DN, Keefer-Lynch AM, Albeg G.St Joseph Hospital, Orange, California 92868, USA.
Vivian.Norman@stjoe.orgIn an exploratory descriptive study using nurse-written clinical narratives,dimensions of Watson's Theory of Caring are reflected in nurses' descriptions of specific clinical events or situations, and narratives of nurses who are lessexperienced differ in terms of the caring dimensions than do those of moreexperienced nurses.
2. MEDSURG Nursing 2008 Oct;17(5):312-316.
Medical Emergency team Implementation: experiences of a mentor hospital.Jamieson Eleanor, Ferrell Carmen, Rutledge Dana N. St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, California 92868, USA.
Eleanor.Jamieson@stjoe.orgRapid response teams (RRTs) provide assessment and early intervention for patients not in critical care.The implementation of RRT using an evidence-based practice framework, which led to decreased resuscitations, critical care transfers, overall mortality, and cost, is described.
3. Journal of Emergency Nursing 2008
article in press. Guesting area: an alternative for boarding mental health patients seen in emergency departments. Winokur Elizabeth J, Senteno, John M. St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, California 92868, USA.
Beth.Winkour@stjoe.orgSJH/CHOC staff may access all of the above articles full text by calling the medical library at 714 771-8291 or via our website
http://www.burlewmedicallibrary.org/Congrats all!!