1. Carter-Templeton H. McCoy T. Are we on the same page?: a comparison of intramuscular injection explanations in nursing fundamental texts. MEDSURG Nursing. 2008 Aug; 17(4): 237-40. (23 ref) Burlew carries this journal
2. Steis MR. Fick DM. Are nurses recognizing delirium? A systematic review. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 2008 Sep; 34(9): 40-8. (41 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2010019926.
3. Howland L. Sullivan-Bolyai S. Bova C. Klar R. Harper D. Schilling L. The research advisory committee: an effective forum for developing a research dynamic environment. Journal of Professional Nursing. 2008 Jul-Aug; 24(4): 241-5. (7 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2010002211 NLM Unique Identifier: 18662660.
4. Aagaard H. Hall EO. Mothers' experiences of having a preterm infant in the neonatal care unit: a meta-synthesis. Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families. 2008 Jun; 23(3): e26-36. Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009945721 NLM Unique Identifier: 18492543.
5. Milton D. Pipe TB. Hatler C. Brewer BB. LaMar K. Clark C. Estrada N. Clarifying the role of director of nursing research in clinical settings: expectations and challenges. Nurse Leader. 2008 Aug; 6(4): 29-33. (1 ref) AN: 2010001937.
6. Ehrlich-Jones L. O'Dwyer L. Stevens K. Deutsch A. Searching the literature for evidence. Rehabilitation Nursing. 2008 Jul-Aug; 33(4): 163-9. (13 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009964891 NLM Unique Identifier: 18686909.
7. Schnautz LS. Rowley D. Hypothermic coma: catapulting evidence-based research into everyday practice. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 2008 Sep; 20(3): 321-6. (9 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009997531 NLM Unique Identifier: 18644516.
8. Reavy K. Tavernier S. Nurses reclaiming ownership of their practice: implementation of an evidence-based practice model and process. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2008 Apr; 39(4): 166-72. (17 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009897763 NLM Unique Identifier: 18429370.
9. Giuliano KK. Polanowicz M. Interpretation and use of statistics in nursing research. AACN Advanced Critical Care. 2008 Apr-Jun; 19(2): 211-22. (13 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009918227.
10. Ridley RT. The relationship between nurse education level and patient safety: an integrative review. Journal of Nursing Education. 2008 Apr; 47(4): 149-56. (35 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009885996 NLM Unique Identifier: 18468291.
11. Carlson CL. Plonczynski DJ. Has the BARRIERS Scale changed nursing practice? An integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2008 Aug; 63(4): 322-33. (66 ref) Burlew has some years. AN: 2009985207 NLM Unique Identifier: 18727758.
12. Ritchey T. Stichler JF. Determining the optimal number of patient rooms for an acute care unit. Journal of Nursing Administration. 2008 Jun; 38(6): 262-6. (10 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009956418 NLM Unique Identifier: 18562828.
13. Taylor S. Allen D. Visions of evidence-based nursing practice. Nurse Researcher. 2007; 15(1): 78-83. (13 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009700404.
14. Happell B. Conference presentations: developing nursing knowledge by disseminating research findings. Nurse Researcher. 2007; 15(1): 70-7. (44 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009700403.
15. Clancy K. Experiences of a novice researcher. Nurse Researcher. 2007; 14(4): 27-38. (28 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009636063 NLM Unique Identifier: 17702141
16. Singleton J. Levin R. Educational innovations. Strategies for learning evidence-based practice: critically appraising clinical practice guidelines. Journal of Nursing Education. 2008 Aug; 47(8): 380-3. (14 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009993343.
17. Chesla CA. Translational research: essential contributions from interpretive nursing science. Research in Nursing & Health. 2008 Aug; 31(4): 381-90. (54 ref) AN: 2009978376 NLM Unique Identifier: 18231973.
18. Scott SD. Pollock C. The role of nursing unit culture in shaping research utilization behaviors. Research in Nursing & Health. 2008 Aug; 31(4): 298-309. (59 ref) AN: 2009978375 NLM Unique Identifier: 18231975.
19. Tod AM. Bond B. Leonard N. Gilsenan IJ. Palfreyman S. Exploring the contribution of the clinical librarian to facilitating evidence-based nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2007 Apr; 16(4): 621-9. (37 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009560203 NLM Unique Identifier: 17402942.