Bedard D. Purden MA. Sauve-Larose N. Certosini C. Schein C. The pain experience of post surgical patients following the implementation of an evidence-based approach. [Journal Article, Research, Tables/Charts] Pain Management Nursing. 2006 Sep; 7(3): 80-92. (34 ref)
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Drenning C. Using the best evidence to change practice. Collaboration among nurses, advanced practice nurses, and nurse researchers to achieve evidence-based practice change. [Journal Article] Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2006 Oct-Dec; 21(4): 298-301. (17 ref) Burlew carries this journal
Jackson R. Ameratunga S. Broad J. Connor J. Lethaby A. Robb G. Wells S. Glasziou P. Heneghan C. EBN notebook. The GATE frame: critical appraisal with pictures. Evidence-Based Nursing. 2006 Jul; 9(3): 68-71. (7 ref)
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Gobel BH. Beck SL. O'Leary C. Nursing-sensitive patient outcomes: the development of the Putting Evidence Into Practice resources for nursing practice. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2006 Oct; 10(5): 621-4, 641-3. (9 ref
Galligan M. Proposed guidelines for skin-to-skin treatment of neonatal hypothermia. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. 2006 Sep-Oct; 31(5): 298-306. (29 ref) Burlew carries this journal
Lake ET. Cheung RB. Are patient falls and pressure ulcers sensitive to nurse staffing? Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2006 Oct; 28(6): 654-77. (39 ref) Burlew carries this journal
Delmas L. Best practice in the assessment and management of diabetic foot ulcers. Rehabilitation Nursing. 2006 Nov-Dec; 31(6): 228-34. (55 ref) Burlew carries this journal
Helberg D. Mertens E. Halfens RJG. Dassen T. Treatment of pressure ulcers: results of a study comparing evidence and practice. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2006 Aug; 52(8): 60-3, 66, 68 passim. (25 ref) Burlew carries this journal