Some of these recent nursing articles really caught my eye. SJH/CHOC staff can obtain these online or request them from Burlew Medical Library. Nurses who are not at SJH/CHOC should check with their own medical libraries.
1. 2009172202 NLM Unique Identifier: 16620259. Ballen LE. Fulcher AJ.
Nurses and doulas: complementary roles to provide optimal maternity care.
JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing. 2006
Mar-Apr; 35(2): 304-11. (34 ref)
Burlew carries this journal
2. 2009165829. Tracy S. Dufault M. Kogut S. Martin V. Rossi S. Willey-Temkin
Translating best practices in nondrug postoperative pain management.
Nursing Research. 2006 Mar-Apr; 55(2S): Supplement: S57-67. (61 ref)
Burlew carries this journal
3. 2009139524 NLM Unique Identifier: 16601511.
Newhouse RP.
Evidence and the executive. Selecting measures for safety and quality
improvement initiatives.
Journal of Nursing Administration. 2006 Mar; 36(3): 109-13. (27 ref)
Burlew carries this journal
4.2009157318 NLM Unique Identifier: 16553707.
Elliott R. McKinley S. Aitken L.
Adoption of a sedation scoring system and sedation guideline in an
intensive care unit.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2006 Apr; 54(2): 208-16. (23 ref)
Burlew has some years.