Friday, May 11, 2007

Julie's picks from the literature April 2007

These current EBN or nursing research articles especially piqued my interest:
1. Pellico LH. Chinn PL. Narrative criticism: a systematic approach to the analysis of story. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2007 Mar; 25(1): 58-65, 66-8. (54 ref) AN: 2009523418 NLM Unique Identifier: 17325316.
2. O'Malley P. Order no harm: evidence-based methods to reduce prescribing errors for the clinical nurse specialist. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 2007 Mar-Apr; 21(2): 68-70. (17 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009522842 NLM Unique Identifier: 17308440.
3. Couchman BA. Wetzig SM. Coyer FM. Wheeler MK. Nursing care of the mechanically ventilated patient: What does the evidence say? Part one. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing. 2007 Feb; 23(1): 4-14. (69 ref) AN: 2009510989 NLM Unique Identifier: 17046259.
4. Rattray J. Jones MC. Essential elements of questionnaire design and development. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2007 Feb; 16(2): 234-43. (41 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009505889 NLM Unique Identifier: 17239058.
5. Rheingans JI. A systematic review of nonpharmacologic adjunctive therapies for symptom management in children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2007 Mar-Apr; 24(2): 81-94. (49 ref) Burlew carries this journal AN: 2009523593 NLM Unique Identifier: 17332422.
6. Gerrish K. Ashworth P. Lacey A. Bailey J. Cooke J. Kendall S. McNeilly E. Factors influencing the development of evidence-based practice: a research tool. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2007 Feb; 57(3): 328-38. (44 ref)
7. Smirnoff M. Ramirez M. Kooplimae L. Gibney M. McEvoy MD. Nurses' attitudes toward nursing research at a metropolitan medical center. Applied Nursing Research. 2007 Feb; 20(1): 24-31. (38 ref) AN: 2009506615 NLM Unique Identifier: 17259040.
NLM Serial ID Number
8. Mitchell SA. Beck SL. Hood LE. Moore K. Tanner ER. Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for fatigue during and following cancer and its treatment. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2007 Feb; 11(1): 99-113, 130-4. (118 ref) Burlew has some years.
9. Tipton JM. McDaniel RW. Barbour L. Johnston MP. Kayne M. LeRoy P. Ripple ML. Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions to prevent, manage, and treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2007 Feb; 11(1): 69-78, 130-4. (75 ref) Burlew has some years. AN: 2009499475.
10. Logan DM. Culturally and linguistically appropriate services: an overview of policy and safe acute care nursing practice in the United States. Gastroenterology Nursing. 2007 Jan-Feb; 30(1): 29-35. (37 ref) Burlew has some online access, no print issues. AN: 2009517704 NLM Unique Identifier: 17312422

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great article. Thanks for the info.
It really helps nurses.
