Iowa City, Iowa, September 20-22, 2006 will be the site of the next Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice. This program, developed by Marita G. Titler, PhD, RN, FAAN and Laura Cullen, RN, MA, has a small-group focus, is customized to meet individual needs, and is for nurses in leadership positions who are responsible for promoting EBP within their organizations.
Offered by the Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics since 2002, this Institute repeatedly generates positive comments like, "Great, usable workshop"; "This was the best group I have been involved with for a long time"; "Fabulous!"; "So impressed with the scheduling and program".
For more information or brochure http://www.uihealthcare.com/depts/nursing/rqom/evidencebasedpractice/apinstitute.html
Grace Rempel, Clerk
Nursing Research, Quality and Outcomes Management
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
200 Hawkins Drive, T-100 GH
Iowa City, IA 52242-1009
I just linked to this site and found the EVP protocols which they have developed and are available for purchase very interesting. They have one titled "Acute confusion/delirium" which would be useful for the sedation team work that we are using in critical care. ($17.50)
I just linked to this site and found the EVP protocols which they have developed and are available for purchase very interesting. They have one titled "Acute confusion/delirium" which would be useful for the sedation team work that we are using in critical care. ($17.50)
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